Had to make a scene! Trinity Rodman, it turns out that Dennis Rodman’s son who is a United States female soccer player

Introduces Trinity Rodman, the daughter of an NBA legend to be the most expensive player in American women’s soccer. Trinity Rodman was born on May 20, 2002 in California.

United States striker Trinity Rodman controls the ball during the match against the Czechs, (17/02/22. PHOTO: REUTERS/Orlando Ramirez-USA TODAY Sports

Trinity was interested and interested in football when he was 10 years old. At that time he played at a local club USA, SoCal Blues.

So what is the relationship between Dennis Rodman, Trinity Rodman? And who is Trinity Rodman’s mother? He is the son of Dennis Rodman and his third wife, Michelle Moyer (mother of Trinity).

Not always the child of a former athlete will follow in the footsteps or the same sport as his parents, that’s what happened to Trinity Rodman.

“My dad didn’t play a big role in my life and everyone didn’t know that, we didn’t see eye to eye in a lot of ways,” Trinity said.

“I went months if not years without him (Dennis Rodman) or communication with him,” he continued.

For basketball fans, especially the NBA, Rodman is not a foreign name. He played for the Detroit Pistons, San Antonio Spurs, Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, to the Dallas Maverick.

Rodman’s best achievement was when he led the NBA in rebounds per game for a record seven years in a row and won five NBA titles. Rodman is the best rebounding forward in NBA history.

In January 2021, Trinity became the youngest player to be drafted in the NWSL (National Women’s Soccer League) or the United States Women’s League.

Rodman was surprised by her famous dad, Dennis, at a game in November
Although her parents divorced, Trinity turned out to be a young woman who loved sports.

She chose football, and signed a professional contract with the Washington Spirit in the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) in January 2021.

A month later, the player who is now playing for the Washington Spirit was voted US Soccer Young Female of the Year or the best young player in the United States.

This achievement then made Trinity immediately bombarded with popularity which led to the renewal of his contract with the Washington Spirit in February 2022.

Thanks to his performance, Trinity received offers to play at a number of big European clubs such as Barcelona and Manchester United. However, he decided to stay in the USA.

To keep Trinity from being hijacked by other clubs, the Washington Spirit extended his contract until 2024 with the option of an extension until 2025.

The 19-year-old forward has a four-year contract worth more than £800,000.

“I grew up pretty fast, but I’m still young. The first year was really good and ended really well, I didn’t think much of the European option. Where I am now, I’m very happy,” Trinity told the Washington Post.

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