What is the formula for calculating the lottery numbers that will come out? Check out the explanation below!

In playing lottery online, the most thrilling thing for bettors is, of course, waiting for the lottery results to come out every day. The hope is, of course, that the lottery numbers that come out, whether it’s 2D/3D/4D, match the numbers they put in.

Another thing that is currently being done a lot but should not be done because it has a negative impact on the game is not understanding the rules of the game. If you really don’t understand the rules of the game, then you will have a lot of things that can be used as adaptations. You must be able to remember and learn about what can be used as a good source of income. Try to read a lot first from indications or other sources about all the information referred to.

The formula for calculating the lottery that will come out – this is the lottery calculation formula, how to formulate the lottery for beginners, tips on how to quickly calculate the 4D 3D 2D lottery numbers that will come out in the SGP lottery today with the correct, precise and accurate calculation formula. Hopefully the How to Formulate, How to Win / Pass the Lottery that we provide can be useful for you.

You should know that a good playing structure is indeed one that can humble you and allow you to win easily. The easier you can play, the easier it will be for you to get what you want and expect. Furthermore, in choosing a strategy, you should also check how effective it is and whether it is really in line with what you want or expect or not. You can use the following considerations in your attractive strategy:

Playing strategies or tricks should also be more varied, and the bettor must have all of that. This is very important for bettors to pay attention to when placing bets. With a variety of strategies, of course, it will be easier to win and will not be read by your opponent when playing.

However, the fact is that the numbers posted often do not match the numbers that come out, so the bettor continues to suffer defeat after defeat. Then what’s wrong? Is it difficult, if not impossible, to win the lottery online?

The main key to the lottery game is the number or numbers. You are required to guess the combination number, which will then allow it to be a clear source of information. As a result, it would be very beneficial to conduct extensive research on how to learn about all of the vision’s strategies. If you don’t want to publish prophecies, then don’t expect that you can win and be successful; what will happen is that you will only have to lose.

How to calculate the lottery that will come out based on the zodiac

How to calculate the lottery that will come out Apart from using the lottery calculation formula that we have discussed above, there are other ways that you can use to predict the lottery numbers that will come out, namely based on SHIO.

Shio is one of 12 symbols in the Chinese calendar, and each existing symbol has a number that can help you predict the lottery numbers that will come out. Please follow the steps that we convey below for more details:

First part:

Example 1: In this stage, if the number that comes out in the main period is 2918, then the number we take is the 2D number. This means that the life number we choose is 18.

Result = 18 – 12 = 6.

Example 2: In this stage, if the number that comes out is 1457, then the number we take is the 2D number. Thus, the live number taken is e number that comes out is 1457, then the number we take is the 2D number. Thus, the live number taken is 57.

Result = 57 – 36 = 21, if you get a two-digit number, add it up to 2 + 1 = 3.

The second part is:
The calculation in the first part is the number of dead zodiac signs in the 2D index.

Example: 48 (45).

4 index 6
5 index 3

So the number 63 is in the zodiac 11, where the main lottery number is 11.

54 (87)
8 index 3
7 index 3

03 is the dead number and the main number in the zodiac.

Calculations in Part 2:

Example: 472 (7) – 54 (21) = (0365).

3 , 6, 5
5, 4, 11
12, 4, 6

Then for the calculation of Shio’s death number, namely:

Dead zodiac (3) = 036(5) – 54(2)

21, (5), 4
2, 7, 5
16, 8, 7

Zodiac lottery daily results: 1 = 1546

Third part:

At this stage, this is a way for you to look for numbers that are weak and have a small chance of coming out in the next period.

The formula for finding the tail US lottery number
Result 1245: 5; Zodiac: 5

The formula for finding the number of 4D lottery numbers
The answer is 1245 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3, Zodiac = 3.

The formula looks for the tail number.
Result 1245: 5 + 4 = 9, Zodiac = 9.

The formula is searching for zodiac signs.
Result 1245: 5  4; in Zodiac 4, there is no number 5, so Zodiac 4 will be weak to get out in the coming period.

The most effective and simple method for accurately determining 2D numbers is to calculate the lottery that will be drawn.

US lottery numbers from the current period + US numbers from the two preceding periods
Example :
2154 = 2
6458 = 6

In the US, you add it up to 2 + 6 = 8. Then number 8 is the dead number in the head of the number that will come out.

2D Lottery Calculating Formula

This 2D lottery calculating formula is very simple and easy to understand. Here is the formula:

0 = 125 5 = 670

1 = 236 6 = 781

2 = 347 7 = 892

3 = 458 8 = 903

4 = 569 9 = 014

Let’s say last week’s expenditure was $6229; the calculation is as follows:

6 = 781

2 = 347

4 = 569 (The number 4 was obtained because the expenditure from yesterday had the twin number 2, 2+2=4)

9 = 014

The concept of calculation, which is reduced only to the very end where every larger number is always reduced by a smaller number. So 7-1 = 6 (for tails) and 9-4 = 5 (for heads). Then the 2D number obtained is 56.

So what if the numbers that came out last week don’t adhere to twin numbers?

Of course, the calculations will be easier. Suppose the number that came out last week was 7803; the count is:

7 = 892

8 = 903

0 = 125

3 = 458

As usual, only the last number is taken. Since 3 is greater than 2 then 3-2 = 1 (for tails) and 8-5 = 3 (for heads). You can get the number 31 as a 2D output.

3D Lottery Calculating Formula

3D lottery Calculating Formula: Take the lottery output numbers from one week ago to see today’s lottery output numbers. For example, the totol output 1 week ago was 7480.

Then add up each position of the number, like: 7 + 4 + 8 + 0 = 19 = 1.

So from the results of number 1 above, each position is added with the detailed calculations as follows:

Heading Numbers: 4 + 1 = 5
Head Figures: 8 + 1 = 9
Tail Number: 0 + 1 = 1.

The 3D Number result for today’s output is 591.

That’s all for our complete review of the formula for calculating the lottery that will come out. Hopefully, by dismantling the secrets of this calculation, your winning ratio when playing the lottery will soon increase.

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